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Boost metabolism - These foods help you define

It is genetic , that some people have a faster metabolism than others. Many other factors such as age, sex, diet , etc. influence the metabolic rate . Although you can not influence his age and gender, as there are still other ways to boost your metabolism and increase fat burning. The most important of them is a healthy and balanced diet.

Breakfast is important for the metabolism

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The You can never forget. If you start the day with a healthy breakfast, so you are supplying your body with a higher energy level to burn more calories while you work. If you work with an empty stomach your body burns fewer calories , because he needs it for the maintenance of body function and only burns fat when it is necessary . Breakfast provides fuel for the body, the metabolism is boosted and hunger pangs are prevented. So if you want to lose weight, start the day with a healthy breakfast .

Occasional morning for breakfast -fat milk. Milk is a source of calcium . Calcium strengthens inter alia, the core body temperature to increase your metabolism , which in turn helps us burn fat . Milk also contains complex carbohydrates that keep insulin levels low. A low insulin levels increases your metabolism , which signals the body that it needs to save less calories.
Eggs for breakfast is one of the tastiest and healthiest foods to boost your metabolism. Since egg contains a healthy dose of protein. Protein products stimulate the metabolism, because they consume to be digested than carbohydrates or fat for energy . That is, the more the body in the digestion works the more calories consumed it . The egg also contains biotin, which participates in important functions in metabolism.
Oatmeal - It contains many healthy proteins , vitamins, fiber and complex carbohydrates. Not only that ! It can also lower cholesterol levels. A bowl of oatmeal every day has positive effects on cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Fruits and vegetables that boost your metabolism

Apples and pears - When it comes to increasing the metabolism, are apples and pears your best friends. Both are rich in the soluble fiber pectin, which lowers cholesterol , pollutants and binds ausschwemmt again . In addition, they help to be satisfied longer and thereby prevent you eat too much.
Grapefruit - Certain foods stimulate the metabolism . Grapefruit is one of them. Grapefruit also contains fiber , for which the body needs more effort to digest it and thus burns more calories. Grapefruit also reduces the levels of insulin , which is responsible for the storage of fat .
Tomatoes - They contain a variety of vitamins and are low in calories . In addition, in the tomato potassium is included , which has a dehydrating and diuretic. It is ideally suited to remove and should not be forgotten at meal times .
Avocado - Who does not want to have a lean, flat stomach. The avocado is indeed a calorie bomb, but a healthy one. It contains a lot of fat , which for the most part but consists of valuable unsaturated fatty acids that are good for the body and have a positive effect on blood lipid levels . In addition, many important vitamins and fiber are included that stimulate the metabolism.

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