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Green tea and weight lose weight - 3 reasons why you should drink it!

There are thousands of unknown and mysterious beverages and concoctions that are supposed to help all patients lose weight . However, most people have forgotten that Green tea and weight lose weight go hand in hand in hand for hundreds of years hand. In this article I will show you 3 reasons why you should drink at least 1 cup every day.

Why green tea helps you lose weight ?

1 Stimulates the metabolism

The higher the metabolism , the more calories , even outside the training phases , burned. And the more calories are burned , the faster you'll love your goal weight ( whatever may be always ) reach . Studies have shown that drinking three cups or more per day helps to bring the body's fat metabolism to a higher level and to transform your body into a fat burning machine. So it should be your primary goal is to boost your metabolism so that you burn fat. Green tea helps you with this and makes this task a little easier .

2 fat burning

This simply refers to the natural ability of the body to burn fat. You can run 7 days a week around the block and only see a little progress , if your body does not use the body fat as an energy source 5 times per day . If, however, your body uses the fat stores as an energy source , and that's what you want , then all your efforts will bear fruit and the fat deposits will melt continuously . Therefore regard the green tea as a kind of insurance. If you drink more of it , your body will be able to burn even more fat when you train .

3 antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that neutralize free radicals in the body , they carry from the body and protect him from harm . These free radicals , also called oxidants , toxic metabolic intermediates that can make us sick and aging of the body cells faster . Genesis factors include stress, poor nutrition, sports performance . As we expose our body stress while we train to take off weight , especially if we are still untrained, it is important that we consume enough antioxidants to us. Green tea is an excellent supplier . So , the less free radicals in your body , the healthier you are. And the healthier you are, the easier it will you fall healthy weight decrease. This is just another reason why green tea for weight lose weight is a necessity .

I hope this short article has shown you why you should drink green tea if you want to lose weight . So the next time you purchase it thinking a bag of green tea bring . Try it yourself and you 'll see why green tea is so beneficial in weight loss .

Do it your character 's sake and drink green tea daily . Because as slimming Green Tea unbeatable. With regular intake build its natural active ingredients from at least a pound of fat a month.

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