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Effective and healthy slimming by cranking the metabolism

The metabolism of the body converts nutrients from food into energy that the body needs to function. Every function of the body to the cellular level requires energy. Energy ensures that our body heals itself and regenerates , fights diseases and eliminates toxins . Our metabolic rate , which is subject to daily change based on the supply of liquid and calorie , diet , genetics , body composition and physical activity. A higher metabolic rate means that the body burns calories faster to keep the body weight or even leads to weight loss .

Nutrition plays an important role in how fast or slow your metabolism works . If you want to boost your metabolism to increase fat burning and decrease weight , you should use spices to your food. Some spices a thermogenic effect ( thermal energy) on the body, which leads to an improvement of digestion and nutrient uptake . Although spices are typically used as a seasoning or flavoring ingredients , spices also have additional health benefits.

These spices help to boost metabolism

Cayenne Pepper - similar to many other hot chili varieties of cayenne pepper increases your body temperature . This increases the thermogenic effect of the body for several hours after ingestion . By increasing the body temperature , the body burns calories to bring its temperature back to normal levels . Therefore, the metabolism speeds up the burning of fat and calories . In addition, the cayenne pepper stimulates the blood flow to the skin and has a light soothing muscle tension .

Cinnamon - although the cinnamon is not as sharp as the cayenne pepper, he has his own ability for a thermogenic effect of the body to make and so to stimulate the metabolism . In addition to this ability , helps in digestion and cinnamon stimulates respiratory and circulatory systems, and has an antibacterial effect . Cinnamon also has a positive effect on blood sugar levels, thereby increasing the burning of fat . To achieve the fat killer effect , you should daily approximately 1 gram of cinnamon take you . Tip: add a pinch of cinnamon to coffee or tea.

Cumin - the thermogenic effect of cumin is similar to cayenne pepper. It boosts your metabolism , affects the digestion by the bile and gastric secretion is stimulated and helps with cramps , flatulence and colic.

Ginger - Ginger is a sharp and spicy seasoning , which increases the operating temperature of the body and thus boosts the metabolism. In the form of tea ginger can help to decrease weight because it burns calories and also helps to excrete toxins and pollutants resulting from the burning of fat. Its high enzyme content helps in digestion , stimulates the circulatory system and has a stimulating effect on the formation of sweat . Ginger should not be missing as a spice in every kitchen .

Turmeric - also called goldenseal . The turmeric is the Chinese used in Ayurvedic medicine and for thousands of years . It is an important , yet underappreciated spice for burning fat. The ingredients stimulate the flow of bile in the gall bladder , thereby improving digestion. It also plays a role in lowering the blood glucose and cholesterol levels , which helps to regulate metabolism . It is the right spice to boost to your metabolism .

Curry Powder - Curry powder is a combination of spices such as turmeric , cinnamon , cumin and black pepper, most of which were mentioned earlier . This mixture of different spices increases the operating temperature of the body and stimulates the metabolism .

This is just a small selection of spices . You should be in every kitchen, because they give our food to certain whistle , are good for our health, boost the metabolism and help you lose weight .

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